The Children’s Hope Journal

Past - Present - Future - Fahim
My father works as a sales person in a small company. His take-home income is too little to manage my education expenses after maintaining all our family needs. We are living in poverty, and at times we go to bed hungry. Now that I have received sponsorship from Children’s Hope it means I do not have to worry about my education. I feel I need additional tuition and already CH has given me hope to have my own coaching opportunity.
When I enlisted as a sponsor child of CH my father become financially relaxed about the continuation of my education in school. My father couldn’t pay my school tuitions regularly because he is the only bread earner at home and his income was not adequate. Now I feel comfortable that CH has come to me and I hope that this support will continue throughout my education.
I also have a health problem – I have a tumour in my mouth which has been there for many years but I could not get treatment due to lack of money, as a result it has been getting bigger in size. Being a sponsored child of Children’s Hope I and my family now receive family healthcare and I have already started to receive Medicare to treat my tumour.
I want to be an Engineer, and I now have the confidence to fulfil my ambition because Children's Hope will support me throughout my education.